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A Quick – Does Red Meat Cause Type II Diabetes?

Simply, NO. It’s more bought and paid for science.

Meat causes diabetes if you eat carbohydrates with it.

There are hundreds of thousands of people who have been eating meat only for 5 to 20 years and none of them have type II diabetes.

Meat only diets actually do the opposite, they reverse type II diabetes.

The media loves to tell you red meat causes diabetes.

Every few months or so a study will come out but where do these studies come from?


The majority of these studies are observational based on frequency questionnaires where you basically guess what you ate the last 2 years. Can you remember what you ate Wednesday 2 weeks ago?

These studies are based on no known physiological pathways (real science), it’s based on observational research which can never show causation. All observational research can do is show a possible association between two things.

In many of these cases the association that they are talking about is so weak that further research should be shut down.

But researchers are human, and they want their hypothesis to be true and a lot of researchers believe that a plant-based diet is the best diet and is the safest for the planet.

Their preconceived notions can influence results and so they see a hazard ratio of 1.4 and think it’s something so they publish it anyway with a hazard ration of 1.4.

 A hazard ration of less than 2 is nothing.

There is no scientific evidence on earth that shows red meat causes type II diabetes.

There is if you include the soft drink, bread, vegetable oil, French fries, mayonnaise and what ever else came with the order.

But some observational studies will blame the hamburger patty for the diabetes not everything else you ate with it.

You must look at the context of all of these studies, who paid for it and by who, there are a lot of bad studies out there.

Some studies I read; their conclusion is the opposite of the study.

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